The following is the current bonspeil status for 2024-2025
- Wed November 6 - 4 Town Ladies Haliburton
- Wed November 20 - 4 Town Men’s Bobcaygeon
- Wed December 4 - 4 Town Men’s Fenelon
- Wed January 8 - 4 Town Men’s Haliburton
- Wed January 15 - 4 -Town Ladies Minden
- January 17-19 - Skyline (Friday to Sunday) Contact Dave This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- February 1-2 - Todds (Saturday & Sunday) Contact Robin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Todds Info Flyer To register click this link
- Tues February 4 - 4 Town Men’s Minden
- Wed February 5 - 4 Town Ladies Fenelon
- March 1 - Highland Lassie Ladies Bonspiel, Contact Robin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Lassie Info Flyer To register click this link
- Wed March 5 - 4 Town Ladies Bobcaygeon
- Tue April 1- Sat April 12 - Club Best Ever Bonspiel
- Sat April 12 - Best Ever Pig Roast